Great budget option for retro design style embroidery scissors that cut everything I used for testing. Sharp!
These scissors have a very attractive retro Victorian-style design with large finger holes. The elongated handle design allows you to rest your third finger on the outside of the hole used by your pointer finger. The overall design is flat so they stay where you place them. A nice little bonus is the included cover for the blades.

This pair has a copper finish but they also come in
- bronze
- dark black (which looks more like pewter than black)
- retro-silver.
The overall length is 4.4 inches with a pivot-to-tip length of just over 1.25 inches. Finger holes are very roomy at 0.6 by 1 inch. Weight is 33 grams.
They are smooth all over including the finger holes.
Manufacturer information indicates they are stainless steel, but it doesn’t specifically mention what metal the handles are made of, so they might also be stainless steel with some type of finish. In any event, they feel solid.
These tested off the chart! They:
- Cut all fibers with ease!
- Cut double layer cotton ¼ inch seam allowance
- Snipped a single stitch in a stitched seam even at the smallest stitch length I test
They are an unusual design in shape and size and of course, they perform very well. If you are accustomed to a more traditional style, the elongated handles might take a bit to get used to. However, they are beautiful and if your design taste runs retro, you will love them.
These retro-style embroidery scissors can be used everywhere you use embroidery scissors: thread, yarn, floss, beading, cording, and embroidery needs.
If you prefer slightly larger and heavier scissors, with a retro-design element, you should love these. However, if you lean towards a smaller or lighter option, you should probably check out one of the smaller pairs.
In summary, these scissors are an excellent choice for anyone seeking exceptional performance for a small price. These scissors will perform well for all your thread, yarn, cording, beading, and yes, embroidery needs.
Do you agree these are great? Get your own Retro-Style Embroidery Scissors at Amazon using my affiliate link. It doesn't cost you even a penny extra to support our website this way. They seem to be out of Copper right now, so check them out in Bronze, Dark Black, or Retro-Silver.
Dark Black